Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Lord of the Swamps

The Lord of the Swamps
Originally uploaded by Pandiyan.

Don't be fooled by the 18 inches that you see here. He is an 18 foot giant who brooks no challenge. He is Jaws, India's largest saltwater crocodile. And he is still growing.

Have you seen the perfect alignment of the crocodile's nostrils, eyes and ears which protrude just above water while the massive body is underneath? Adult males are highly territorial and fight hard for mating rights. See the next photo for how deadly they can be.

Among the crocodiles, salties are among the least threatened as far as conservation is concerned. However, their skin is the most valuable and legal and illegal trade is rampant. The fact that they are dangerous to humans, turn common folk against them and that makes conservation more difficult.

I have been to Jaws' place so many times, but he is always camera shy and I have never got a proper shot of him. Here is another shot of him.

Scientific name: Crocodylus porosus

1 comment:

Hamadryad said...

Have they been able to get a mate for him now ? I heard that he gobbles up every possible mate :)). The last I had been to MCBT, they were trying to get him used to the idea of a female croc being something other than food ...